In recent times, especially in 2020, the Trade Union Executive Committee of Dai Long Electric Cable Company has tried to pay attention to implementing the “Welfare for trade union members” program to take care of the material and spiritual life of the union members, workers. Thanks to that, the results achieved are that the lives of union members and workers are increasingly improved and more practical.
To achieve the above contents, the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Dai Long Electric Cable Company must always closely listen and listen to the opinions of union members to promptly grasp and implement the best things for union members. , workers. At the same time, regularly contact specialized officials on the District Labor Confederation to receive information and introduce reputable businesses (Kim Sang Rice Company, Vissan Animal Industry Company,…) for the Company to proceed. Negotiate and find preferential prices and the best products for union members and workers to access. It is very respectful that the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Dai Long Electric Cable Company has received enthusiastic support and positive reviews from union members and workers at the Company.
Thanks to tireless efforts, recently the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Dai Long Electric Cable Company was honored to receive a certificate of merit from the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF HO CHI MINH CITY LABOR UNION for “Outstanding achievements in the labor emulation movement.” Actively mobilize and build a strong trade union organization in 2020″. That will be a great motivation for us to strive for the coming years.
Dai Long Electric Cable Company received a certificate of merit from the Executive Board of Ho Chi Minh City Federation
Especially on February 3, 2021, Dai Long Electric Cable Company was honored to welcome Comrade: Nguyen Van Chi (Comrade Confederation of Labor of Binh Chanh district) and Comrade: Le Thi Hong Van (Comrade: Confederation of Labor of Binh Chanh district) Visit and wish your business a happy new year. Thereby affirming the efforts to contribute and build an “increasingly strong grassroots Trade Union” have been recognized by the superior Federation.
The Executive Committee of Dai Long Electric Cable Company's Trade Union will continue to promote the increasingly effective role of the Trade Union in the Enterprise.
In the coming time, the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Dai Long Electric Cable Company will continue to promote the increasingly effective role of the Trade Union in the Enterprise. At the same time, promptly report and propose to the District Labor Federation the difficulties and obstacles in implementation or propose ideas to contribute to promoting the “Welfare for trade union members” program more effectively. more widely, spreading widely among union members and workers of the District.