Công Ty TNHH TM - SX Dây và Cáp Điện Đại Long
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers. If you have any other questions related to Dai Long Cable's field, please send your question and remember to clearly state the title and content of the question to receive the fastest answer. Thanks a lot!
Where is the company's fanpage?
To view company fanpage information on Facebook, please access the link: https://www.facebook.com/dailongcable2024/
How can I view the product Catalogue?

Option 1: Click on the word E-Catalogue at the top of the MENU

Option 2: Visit the website address at https://dailongcable.com/en/e-catalogue.html to view the company's product catalog

How many factories does the company have? Where is it all?

Dai Long Electric Wire and Cable Production Trading Company Limited has 2 facilities:

- Main facility (Factory 1 + Office) is located at D17/26 Hamlet 4, Binh Chanh Commune, Binh Chanh District, City. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

- Sub facility (Factory 2) is located at Lot F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6-Cau Tram Industrial Zone, Cau Tram Hamlet, Long Trach Commune, Can Duoc District, Long An Province, Vietnam

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